Friday, December 08, 2006
Hopefulness for the future
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Entertainment News
- George Clooney and Renée Zellweger are rumoured to be dating again, the pair dated briefly in 2001 and where seen recently cuddling and holding hands in a restaurant
- Naomi Campbell as been threatened with arrest after she failed to appearer at an hearing at a Manhattan Court, very naughty girl.
- First Chyna and Sean Waltman have a scary sex tape, now it's the turn of Screech himself Dustin Diamond, Diamond's manager actually hope the release of the tape to the public will help raise his profile, aren't you just a little bit curious?
- and that's it Dustin Diamond can't be topped.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Entertainment News
- Mel Gibson comes out of hiding to make his first public appearance to promoto "Apocalypto" since his drink driving arrest back in July.
- Shockingly, since you'd expect it to be drug related, Keith Richards was massively drunk on the set of the third Pirates of the Caribbean and had to be proped up when his scenes where getting filmed.
- David Beckham has found solace in Tom Cruise, I made it sound gayer then it actually is, it was more to do with Beckham been dropped from the England squad.
- Lindsay Lohan is angry at reports she's split up with her fiancee Harry Morton, the Hard Rock Cafe heir, apparently there still together.
- Cindy Crawford is in trouble with certain people after she allowed her 5 year old daughter to model swimwear.
- Bruce Willis tells the world he is a democrat.
- Some sad news, the church in which James Brown did his bit in Blues Brothers as burned down.
Friday, September 22, 2006
The film is not that good, moments of gore and attempted humour never sit well together, the film is probably a lesser movie then Cabin Fever. Watch National Lampoon's European Vacation and The Texas Chain Saw Massacre straight after each other instead.
Entertainment News
- Marcia Cross, the redheaded one from Desperate Housewives is expecting twins, when I read the headline "Cross Expecting Twins", I instantly thought of Arrested Development slaphead David Cross, now if that was the case that would have been newsworthy.
- Robin Williams, as left rehab and as moved in with a sober friend to save his marriage, do you think he remembers he made Jacob the Liar?
- 80s "heartthrob" Lou Diamond Phillips as been charged in with domestic battery in Los Angeles, nothing funny there, if he as hit his wife he deserves what he gets.
- Jet Li is still ademant he's giving up martial arts movies, hating the fact the theme is always revenge, look for Li in the remake of 12 Angry Men.
- In the best news- Showgirls is to be transformed into a Las Vegas musical, please get Jessie Spano to be in it please, please, I'll fly over to Las Vegas to see it.
- George Lucas as donated $175 million to the USC, the place that provided him with his filmmaking education in a generous gift, just a shame half of his directorial filmography is the Star Wars prequels.
- Saturday Night Live as cut it's cast from 16 down to 11 (with no new cast additions) among those going are Chris Parnell and Horatio Sanz---now who's going to giggle during every sketch there in distracting the other performers. The fat one from Kenan and Kel is safe BTW.
Shock Treatment
Saturday, August 12, 2006
What I've been watching
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Friday, July 14, 2006
Entertainment News
- James Gandolfini as gone in for knee surgery therefore delaying the start of the new Sopranos season. Like we wasn't going to wait two years for it anyway.
- Hugh Laurie as been given a huge pay rise for his role in the show "House" upto $300,000 from an original reported mid five figure salary. Rule Britannia.
- Diane Lane chopped off her hair on live television for charity, bless her.
And that's it.
slow news day.
Red Buttons dies aged 87
The Return of Captain Invincible
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Friday, April 28, 2006
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
What's Good?: Natalie Portman is absolutely amazing and the rest of the cast fill there roles very well- Max Perlich should get more work. There are some great one line zingers ("Somebody's been eating retard sandwiches")- Ted Demme (who died in 2002) directs probably his best movie (Blow comes close) and Scott Rosenberg's script is not like the other films written by him that come to mind (he wrote Con-Air).
What's Bad?: On occasion the dialogue can feel just like like "cool" things spouted by the actors.
Defining Moment: "Sweet Carolina", the former high school gang sing along to the Neil Diamond classic. The Cameron Crowe moment not done by Mr. Crowe.
Overall: A very, very good movie with likeable and human characters, I'd recommend this to anybody who likes character based dramady.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
- Curb Your Enthusiasm Season Four
- At Last the 1948 Show
- Do Not Adjust Your Set
- Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends Season One
- Beautiful Girls
- I Love You to Death
- Irma La Douce
- Neighbors
- Hot Pursuit
- Goin' South
- D-Day: The Sixth of June
- The Young Lions
Recent E-Bay (to come...) (all on Region One)
- The Man Who Knew Too Little
- The Oblong Box/Scream and Scream Again
- The Masque of Red Death/The Premature Burial
Out of the stuff from NewsRadio Season Three is arriving first according to there handy tracking system, and How I Got into College should be here soon. Look's like there is a lot to watch in the next couple of weeks.
Updated 12/4/06
Add a Danish version of Forgotten Silver and an Aussie version of Glen or Glenda, the bloody horror Bay of Blood, Death Race 2000 and Rock and Roll High School to the e-bay purches
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Magical with moments that can take you straight back to your childhood- anchored by a wonderful performance by Depp, the film will be a favourite for years to come.
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Monday, March 27, 2006
- Keith Carradine files a civil law suit against Hollywood P.I Anthony Pellicano after discovering he was among the stars named in a wire-tapping scandal.
- Isaac Hayes as rubbished reports that a stroke was the real reason he quit South Park.
- Jessica Simpson as dumped her record label Columbia to join Epic, she's doing a lot of life changing at the minute, it's not long since she dumped Nick Lachey.
- Paul Newman is backing a bill to protect image and vocal rights for actors.
- David Hasslehoff is fighting off rumours that claim he terrorised his estranged wife in front of their kids, claiming she needs help.
- Randy Quaid is suing the producers of Brokeback Mountain for $10 million claiming they lied to him about how big of a project the movie was.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
The Untouchables is probably in my top 25/30 movies of all time- whilst De Palma's Scarface seems to get all the plaudits, this along with Carrie is the true De Palma masterpiece.
Monday, March 20, 2006
- Futurama is coming back for 26 episodes, no it isn't, yes it is, no it isn't, conflicing reports annoy me
- South Park vs Tom Cruise: It's all to do with Scientology, Cruise threatened to boycott a Paramount premiere, if a Paramount owned station didn't drop the Scientology episode.
- The Simpsons will run for at least two more seasons, in that time Simpsons will pass the 400th episode landmark.
- The sequel to the brilliant Sin City as been delayed- director Robert Rodriguez is waiting for up the duff Angelina Jolie.
- Portia De Rossi (Arrested Development rules) blames Ally McBeal for the eating disorder she had, I'm pretty sure she means the show as an whole, rather then the fictional character she didn't play.
- Not really news but related to the above, Harrison Ford as never seen an episode of Ally McBeal featuring his girl Calista Flockhart in the lead role.
- I'll pass judgment until I see X-Men 3, but X3 director Brett Ratner is already in line to direct the much discussed Wolverine spin-off.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Thursday, March 16, 2006
- Funnyman Jack Black elopes and marries his musican girlfriend Tanya Haden, good for him
- Desperate Housewives' Nicolette Sheridan as got engaged to funny perm haired crooner Michael Bolton, there is hope for the rest of us yet.
- Jessica Simpson snubs a meeting with President Bush, because of conflincting political motivations.
- Despite some rumours Will Ferrell did not die in a freak paragliding accident, a short statement was released "I have no knowledge of Will Ferrell paragliding"
- Phil Collins as seperated from his wife, apparently she heard his music.
Sadly, it's not a very good movie, there's about a thousand and one youth films out there, that are much better, better. Just give it a miss unless you want to see Anne Hathaway and Bijou Phillips topless. (R1 only)
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Parker and Stone have made a decent film with some very funny moments, whilst I'm never going to consider this the greatest comedy ever made, it was good for a chuckle or two (like South Park I guess) and really worth a watch.
Monday, March 13, 2006
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
This truly is a great film (the shortcomings are only nitpicking) and If your a fan of Ms. Portman, you'll love this so much, everybody else I'll like it too.
Monday, March 06, 2006
The film did end up inspiring the Wonder Years and it's hard to believe it was based on a book (In God We Trust, All Others Pay Cash by Jean Shepherd) that was a series of writings for Playboy. The casting is perfect from the young actors- Zack Ward as the school bully Scut Fuckus maybe the greatest bully ever committed to celluloid- as her the adult actors, which parents aside are usually horrible people who shouldn't be near kids.
Outstanding Christmas movie, that I could watch anytime for warm fuzziness that as aged well, (Geek note: Yes I do own Christmas Story figures) and along with Kolchak, for anybody would be a fitting tribute to the memory of The Old Man- Darren McGavin (thanks for the memories!) (R1 only)
Sunday, March 05, 2006
There is a lot of genius in the surronding characters creations including Harvey's assissant Peanut (he is a ***** creation), his boss Phil Ken Sebben (Ha! Ha!) and paranoid lawyer Reducto (who carries a shrink ray)- all in all a wonderful little show, every episode is short (they come in at about 12 minutes) so there is never chance of them staying at there welcome.
I recommend this to any fan of animation, people who like the more "adult" friendly cartoons and people who have a special place of Hanna Barbara cartoons will both more then love this.
Ewan McGregor as got better with each prequel in my opinion, you finally just about believe he could become the legendary Alec Guinness, Hayden Christensen is also much improved as Anakin (he suffered a bit from whiny teen syndrome in the last movie) whilst the film belongs to Ian McDiarmid as Palapatine, whose been consistently good during the entire prequels and may arguably give the best performance in the entire saga, the lovely Natalie Portman (after two brilliant performances in 2004) as nothing too do but look pretty (something she does really, really well) and Chewbacca's appearance is not as bad as I thought it would be.
Overall a good way to end the series- not perfect, I'd happily watch this a couple of more times, I kind of was tied between giving it 3 or 4 stars- I feel like I should be a bit stingy- like I've said it's all come full circle as far as six films- but now instead of perfect trilogy (the originals) now it's an imperfect saga of movies.
I recommend this for fans of comedy that's near the knuckle (but intelligent) and it's good to see Chappelle finally get a moment in the sun after supporting turns in movies like Con Air and the Nutty Professor and not only that be such a great show in the process
Saturday, March 04, 2006

It's got Thora Birch (I've been obsessing a lot about her lately) and was completed in 2005. The rest of the cast features Julianna Marigulies and David Arquette and his about two cunning and manipulative drifters venture into Farifield County, Connecticut looking to seduce wealthy and lonely housewives. There is no offical word yet from either side of the pond but anything starring the lovely Ms. Birch is on my wishlist.