Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Life and that...

<p> Suppose I should catch you up on my life really quickly...

Well I'm making a super super interesting film about teenage pregnancy and teenage parents (there all deadbeats by the way), hopefully that should be finished soon...

Applied to go on a short University course about sit-com writing... I already have a killer idea about clowns that I want nobody to steal...

Went to Collectormania Manchester 5 last month, got loads of stuff signed and met an whole bunch of people including Michael Winslow (seem to think I've already mentioned this at least in part).

Going to see WWE Smackdown live in Sheffield next Thursday. Two superstars are doing signings during the day they are MICHELLE McCOOL and KELLY KELLY (pictured above in the black top- think she'd be happy if I took that to get signed). I know Len will not be too interested in seeing them but Welkey will probably want to go. So It'll probably leave me with the deciding vote methinks.

That's it for my boring arse life...

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