Sunday, January 29, 2006

Bret Hart: The Best There Is, The Best There Was, The Best There Ever Will Be It's not hype...this is by far the best DVD the WWE have ever released, better then the brilliant Ultimate Ric Flair Collection, better then the Rise and Fall of ECW, better then Mick Foley's Greatest Hits and Misses, this is the greatest wrestling DVD/release of all time... Hell froze over and Bret "The Hitman" Hart and the WWE reached an agreement and got Bret's full involement (the original title was going to be called Screwed: The Bret Hart Story, as you can see it focused somewhat on the Monteral Screwjob), anyway this three disc set is absolutely perfect- disc one houses the excellent Bret Hart documentary, which like I said thanks to Hart's involvement- you here multiple sides to the story, and the documentary gets very emotional at times, when talking about his father and his brother, Owen (there is also a short extra where Hart talks about wrestlers who passed away), and deals with Stampede Wrestling (we get to see some Stampede footage), The Hart Foundation, Intercontinetel Championship, WWF Championship, the Anti-American Hart, the Screw Job, WCW, Owen's death and the end of the career, nothing is sugar coated over, everything is said how it seemed to go down. the documentary is one word is perfect. The 2nd and 3rd discs house an whole bunch of awesome matches (disc one also has a couple of matches), the stand-out matches are of course Bret vs Owen from Wrestlemania X, Bret v Austin in a submission match from Wrestlemania XIII, Perfect and Hart from Summerslam 91, and the sole WCW match, the Owen Hart Tribute Match vs Chris Benoit, you can't ignore the other matches, because Bret Hart, as his catchphrase and the title of this DVD goes, he was the Best there was. If your a wrestling fan, there is no excuse (NO EXCUSE!!!) why you shouldn't be buying this, even if in his day you was never a huge Bret Hart mark this DVD is still a must own. *****

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